
Monday, August 31, 2020

fall guys

fall guys Ultimate KNOCKOUT i have updated the fall guys slideshow 

Friday, August 28, 2020


DOOM  one of the worst doom movies i wanted to review on.. but now i can do it anyways here is my review animation


DOOM THE COLLECTION i have updated the slide there is a surprise at the end SOMETHING NEW is coming hope you enjoy: if you experience any lag i will try to fix it

Thursday, August 27, 2020

DOOM teaser 2

 DOOM 1 teaser link watch teaser 2 for the timer to make sense and plus the collection is coming out tomorrow.

DOOM teaser 1 link

doom this is the DOOM teaser one if the slideshows i am going to be doing.  it will be revealed soon it is going to be 400 slides long we will add new episodes along the way like the original cartoons in the 90s. if you do not know DOOM a action packed video game. but DO not worry this has some gore but not alot


DOOM simile and metaphor doc

Home | Slayers Club | DOOM Eternal |

Simile: the sword was like a laser

Simile: his armor was like a metal wall

Metaphor:his mask is death

Metaphor:  his gloves were 400-500 pounds of metal

Monday, August 10, 2020